grammar for the supported subset of CSL in IDDCSL csl_input = csl_formula csl_forumula = 'P' cmp real '[' path_formula ']' |unop '(' csl_formula')' | '('csl_forumula')' binop '('csl_forumula')' | ap path_formula = '('csl_forumula')' 'U' closed_interval '('csl_forumula')' | 'F' closed_interval '('csl_forumula')' | 'G' closed_interval '('csl_forumula')' | 'X' '('csl_forumula')' closed_interval = '[' real ',' real ']' unop = '!'|'~' binop = '&&' | '*' | '||' | '->' | '<-' | '<->' ap = PLACE cmp num | true | false cmp = '=' | '!='| '>=' | '>' | '<=' | '<' num = natural number real = real number PLACE must be a valid placename In the current version the temporal operators U, F and G are supported only in their time bounded version. ___________________________________________________________________-- march 16, 2009 Martin Schwarick